HIH News

HIH participated at “Kinder-Uni-Forschertag 2019”

As part of the Children's University Researcher's Day on July 6, Dr. Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg, Prof. Mathias Jucker and many staff members of the department Cellular Neurology welcomed 30 children to the Hertie Institute. The 7- to 12-year-old participants carried out exciting tasks at three stations that dealt with the topic of the workshop “Confusion in the head - what is dementia?” They used an age simulator with simple equipment to test how it feels to grow older. The children could observe under the microscope what happens in the brain when suffering from dementia. Under the guidance of the scientists, each child made its own mobile phone camera microscope and could take it home for further research. The third part of the workshop consisted of creating cerebral cells from colorful pipe cleaners. Both the young and the older researchers had a lot of fun and were very dedicated. 

Copyright: Kronenberg-Versteeg/HIH