Bridging clinical brain research with cutting edge technological approaches, the Hertie Institute has founded the new Department N3, which applies…
Dr. med. Christian Bosselmann, a Clinician-Scientist in Prof. Holger Lerche’s Department of “Neurology and Epileptology”, recently completed a…
*** in German only ***
Intrazerebrale Blutungen (ICB) zählen zu den schwerwiegendsten Formen von Schlaganfällen. Bislang gibt es nur eingeschränkte…
The Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research wishes everyone a healthy and successful New Year! Many people make a New Year's resolution to give…
The HIH is now also on Bluesky.
The new newsletter "Perspektiven" from “Forschen.Fördern.Leben” is here! Read more about current studies, research results and news from the HIH.
Prof. Matthis Synofzik, head of the section “Translational Genomics of Neurodegenerative Diseases” at the HIH, speaks in an interview with…
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Brockmann, senior physician at the University Neurology Clinic in Tübingen, head of the Parkinson's outpatient clinic and the…
Prof. Dr. Ulf Ziemann is among the world's most cited scientists again this year, according to a recent analysis by Clarivate Analytics. Of the…
On November 20 and 21, the fourth symposium of the "Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience" took place at the Berlin site.