Research Groups

Overview of the Research groups

Brockmann Lab

Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most frequent neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease and affects about 1 to 2 % of individuals over the age of 65… more info

Fitzgerald Lab

Neurodegenerative disorders are associated in a proportion of cases with genetic risk and gene mutations. However, the vast majority… more info

Gasser Lab

Parkinson's syndrome (PS) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's dementia. The vast majority… more info

Gasser Lab (Dystonia)

Dystonia is the third most common movement disorder, and mutations in a growing number of genes have been identified… more info

Giese Lab

The Section for Computational Sensomotorics investigates theoretical principles in the perception … more info

Grimm Lab

The group works on different projects concerning nerve imaging, particularly high-resolution ultrasound in neuromuscular disorders…  more info

Häufle Lab

The research group "Neuromechanics and Rehabilitation Robotics (NeuRoMech)" focuses on the generation and control of active biological movements. … more info

Hafed Lab

Humans are tremendously reliant on the sense of vision to interact with their environment. Such interaction often involves the generation of motor outputs... more info

Hauser Lab

The research group focuses on the development of cutting-edge cellular models for the study of monogenetic neurodegenerative diseases… more info

Hedrich-Klimosch Lab

Our research group uses transgenic mouse models to investigate the molecular mechanisms of disease-associated variants in genes encoding neuronal ion channels.… more info


Helfrich Lab

The goal of the Helfrich lab is to unravel the neural network mechanisms supporting higher cognitive functions and their disturbances underlying neuropsychiatric disorders... more info

Himmelbach Lab

The Research Group "Neuropsychology of Action" is dedicated to investigations of human action… more info

Ilg Lab

Playing video-games is a widely distributed leisure activity in our society. In order to estimate the consequences … more info

Jucker Lab

Cerebral proteopathy is a unifying term for neurodegenerative diseases in which aggregated… more info

Kaeser Unit

Processes associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other age-related neurodegenerative diseases start many years before the onset of the first clinical symptoms... more info

Kahle Lab

Age-related neurodegenerative diseases are a severe and increasingly worrisome burden for our aging population... more info


Karnath Lab

The Section for Neuropsychology focuses on the investigation of spatial cognition and object… more info

Kowarik Lab

The research group “Neurological B cell Immunology” is focused on the role of B cells in neuro-inflammatory diseases including multiple sclerosis (MS)... more info

Kronenberg-Versteeg Lab

Glial cells are highly abundant in the mammalian brain, yet many questions regarding their development, function, and involvement indisease remain unanswered… more info


Kühn Lab

My Research Group uses translational MR imaging to understand how cortical microstructure links to human brain function in health and disease. ... more info

Laske Unit

The Dementia Research Unit is a clinical reseach unit of the Department of Cellular Neurology and the Department of Psychiatry... more info

Lerche Lab

Our research group is interested to unravel the mechanisms of well defined, mainly genetic, neurological, paroxysmal diseases, to understand correlations... more info

Merk Lab

Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in infants, children, and adolescents. Our lab is mostly focusing on embryonal brain tumors... more info

Neher Lab

An immune response is part of most neurological diseases, and the development of late-onset Alzheimer’s… more info

Poli Lab

The research focus of our Stroke and Neuroprotection Laboratory is to find new and to optimize existing… more info

Renovanz Lab

The group focuses on the health-related quality of life, psychosocial burden and unmet needs in neuro-oncological patients... more info

Schöls Lab

Neurogenetic diseases like cerebellar ataxia, hereditary spastic paraplegia and leukodystrophy are rare disorders... more info

Schüle Lab

Our group specializes in rare diseases. A disease is called rare, when it affects no more than 5 of 100,000 people... more info

Schwarz Lab

The overarching goal of our work is to understand the operating principles of the neocortex, a unique … more info

Sevenich Lab

Research in this lab is focused on tumor immunology in brain cancer in particular brain metastasis... more info

Siegel Lab

The central goal of our laboratory is to investigate how cognition and behavior emerges from dynamic interactions… more info


Snaidero Lab

The goal of the Snaidero lab is to decipher and control cellular interactions between neurons and glia cells in the cortex, focussing on the dynamic processes underlying myelination. ... more info


Synofzik Lab

The translational research of our Research Division is fully geared by a systematic translational pipeline of developing therapy strategies … more info

Tabatabai Lab

The projects of the lab are focusing on the biology of brain tumors, especially with targeted individualized therapies... more info

Thier Lab

The lab addresses a variety of topics that, at first glance, may look disparate. Yet, there is a common denominator … more info


Weiß Lab

The working group aims to uncover mechanisms of action of deep brain stimulation therapy and to translate… more info


Wochner Lab

This research group is investigating how everyday movements can be predicted in real time using wearable sensor data and neuromechanical computer models… more info

Wuttke Lab

Our group is interested in developing new treatment options for patients affected by drug resistant seizures and associated encephalopathic syndromes… more info


Ziemann Lab

The human brain possesses the remarkable capacity of reorganization, which is the basis for adapting to constantly changing environmental conditions... more info