The Section for Neuropsychology focuses on the investigation of spatial cognition and object… more info
Kühn Lab
My Research Group uses translational MR imaging to understand how cortical microstructure links to human brain function in health and disease. ... more info
Thier Lab
The lab addresses a variety of topics that, at first glance, may look disparate. Yet, there is a common denominator … more info
Synofzik Lab
The translational research of our Research Division is fully geared by a systematic translational pipeline of developing therapy strategies … more info
Helfrich Lab
The goal of the Helfrich lab is to unravel the neural network mechanisms supporting higher cognitive functions and their disturbances underlying neuropsychiatric disorders... more info
Snaidero Lab
The goal of the Snaidero lab is to decipher and control cellular interactions between neurons and glia cells in the cortex, focussing on the dynamic processes underlying myelination. ... more info
Wochner Lab
This research group is investigating how everyday movements can be predicted in real time using wearable sensor data and neuromechanical computer models… more info
Himmelbach Lab
The Research Group "Neuropsychology of Action" is dedicated to investigations of human action… more info
Ilg Lab
Playing video-games is a widely distributed leisure activity in our society. In order to estimate the consequences … more info