In the „IQ-Magazin“ podcast of the BR on the topic of gene therapy, Professor Lerche (Department of Neurology and Epileptology) and other participants…
Axel Lindner and his research team describe the connection between an action and the feeling of authorship. The new finding sheds light on the…
In the SWR program "Doc Fischer", Professor Dr. Christoph Laske classifies new study results that indicate that amyloid antibodies may help in the…
Prof. Tabatabai publishes work on specialized field
May 10 marks the German Stroke Awareness Day. The Forum Gesundheitsstandort Baden-Württemberg spoke with Prof. Ziemann about his current research…
HIH goes Twitter: From now on you can find the latest news from the institute on the popular short message service. Click here to go to our Twitter…
Hayri Can Calap and Felix Krautwurst receive the Johannes Dichgans doctoral scholarship for one year.
For the first time in Europe, Tübingen scientists are applying an RNA therapy specifically tailored to one patient. Prof. Dr. Matthis Synofzik from…
PD Dr. Justus Marquetand (Department Neural Dynamics and Magnetoencephalography and Department Neurology and Epileptology) was awarded the 2nd prize…
For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, the Neuroscience Student Lab held a teacher training course last week. HIH researchers…