Prof. Thomas Gasser and Prof. Martin Giese are spokespersons for Tübingen in the Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience. In a current…
One in 40 people in Germany is affected by a stroke. Almost 70 percent of patients are left with paralysis in their arms or legs, which can severely…
They could provide information about inflammatory processes in diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's as biomarkers, report HIH researchers.
To mark the occasion, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ghazaleh Tabatabai explains in an interview with the Hertie Foundation (in German only) which therapeutic…
A team led by Prof. Philipp Kahle discovers a basic disease mechanism of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Their finding: a red wine substance…
At the HIH, as part of the Johannes Dichgans scholarship program, doctoral scholarships for students of human medicine will again be offered for the…
May 10 marks Tag gegen den Schlaganfall in Germany. In an interview with the Hertie Foundation on this occasion, Dr. Sven Poli explains high-dose…
The Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research will receive permanent funding from the State of Baden-Württemberg in the future. The institute…
Since April, the Tumor Center CCC Tübingen-Stuttgart has been headed by Prof. Sara Brucker (Department of Women's Health Tübingen). Prof. Ghazaleh…
The Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH) as part of the Center of Neurology of the University of Tübingen has been chosen by The Michael…