HIH News

Tübinger Therapie-Symposium Neuroonkologie

This year's “Tübinger Therapie-Symposium Neuroonkologie“, which took place on July 31, 2024 in the rooms of the University Hospital Tübingen, attracted great interest.

Prof. Ghazaleh Tabatabai, Medical Director of the “Department of Neurology and Interdisciplinary Neuro-Oncology” and spokesperson for the Center for Neuro-Oncology at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Tübingen-Stuttgart (CCC), chaired the symposium together with Prof. Marcos Tatagiba, Medical Director of the Department of Neurosurgery, and Prof. Karim-Maximilian Niyazi, Medical Director of the Department of Radiooncology.

Speakers from their specialist departments provided insights into recent case studies, current findings, new clinical studies and therapeutic options.

The highlight of the exciting interdisciplinary program were four contributions from their patients on the topics of glioblastoma, IDH-mutated glioma, meningeosis neoplastica and vestibular schwannoma. They reported on their perspective, their attitude and their suggestions.

A big thank you goes to all participants and speakers and the around 100 participants in the audience for this very nice event.


Picture: Prof. Karim-Maximilian Niyazi, Prof. Ghazaleh Tabatabai & Prof. Marcos Tatagiba (from left to right)

Copyright: Prof. Ghazaleh Tabatabai