Cellular Neurology


Dr. Alexandro Ruíz Requelme


PostDoc until 2021
Now: Assistant professor, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Melanie Barth, PhD


PhD student until 2021
Now: Medical Consultant at DBB Health, Munich


Natalie Beschorner, PhD


PhD student until 2020
Now: Postdoc, Center for Translational Neuromedicine, University of Copenhagen


Ruth Uhlmann, PhD


PhD student until 2020
Now: Trainee Young Professional at Baxter Oncology


Anja Apel, PhD


PostDoc until 2019
Now: PostDoc, University Children's Hospital Tübingen


Timo Eninger, PhD


PhD student until 2017, PostDoc until 2018
Now: Quality Assurance Manager, Acino Pharma AG, Switzerland


Ann-Christin Wendeln, PhD

PhD student until 2018
Now: Test engineer at Daimler


Karoline Degenhardt, PhD

PhD student until 2018
Now: PostDoc, Department of Neurology, UKE Hamburg


Jay Rasmussen, PhD

PhD student until 2018
Now: Postdoctoral fellow, Queensland Brain Institute, Australia


Simone Eberle

Scientific assistant until 2017
Now: Psychologist M.Sc. and freelance translator/editor


Juliane Schelle, PhD

PhD student until 2017
Now: Clinical Research Associate at Johnson & Johnson


Frank Baumann, PhD

Group leader "Amyloid Biology" until 2016
Now: Wissenschaftlicher Referent, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen


Petra Füger, PhD

PostDoc until 2016


Jasmin Mahler, PhD

PhD student until 2016
Now: QA Manager at Acino Pharma AG, Aesch, Switzerland


Lan Ye, MD, PhD

PhD student until 2015, PostDoc until 2016
Now: Neurology, Asklepios Klinik Schildautal Seesen


Sarah Fritschi, PhD

PhD student until 2015
Now: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Washington University School of Medicine, Holtzman Lab, St. Louis, USA


Claudia Resch

Technical assistant until 2015
Now: Technician at IFIB Tübingen, Molecular Medicine


Christian Krüger

Technical assistant until 2015
Now: Research Officer, National Cancer Center Singapore


Luis F. Maia, MD, PhD

Research fellow (stipend Ministério da Ciência, Portugal) until 2014
Now: Associate Professor, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


Lary C. Walker, Prof PhD

Guest professor in 2014 and 2016
Now: Marie and E.R. Snelling Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology and Research Professor, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA


Yvonne S Eisele, PhD

PhD student until 2010, project leader until 2013
Now: Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, USA


Andrea Bosch

Technical assistant until 2013
Now: Student of Medicine at University Würzburg


Nicholas Varvel, PhD

Humboldt Postdoctoral fellow until 2013
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Pharmacology, Emory School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA


Götz Heilbronner, PhD

PhD student until 2013
Now: Clinical Research Associate at PPD Munich

Franziska Langer, PhD

PhD student until 2012
Now: Program Officer DFG

Jasmin Hefendehl, Prof PhD

PhD student until 2011, PostDoc until 2012Now: Professor, Institute for Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Goethe University Frankfurt

Christian Feldhaus (formerly Liebig), PhD

Project manager 2-photon microscopy until 2011
Now: Light Microscopy Facility Manager, MPI for Developmental Biology, Tübingen

Ellen Kilger, PhD

Group leader until 2011
Now: Scientific Research Management, Institute for Ophtalmic Research, University Hospital Tübingen and freelance journalist and photographer


Tsuyoshi Hamaguchi, MD, PhD

PhD student until 2011
Now: Associate Professor, University of Kanazawa


Stefan Grathwohl, PhD

PhD student until 2011
Senior Scientist, Project Leader CNS, Neuroimmune AG, Zurich, Switzerland


Niels J. Rupp, Prof. Dr. med.

MD student until 2010
Now: Assistant Professor of Theragnostic Tumor Pathology, University of Zurich, Switzerland


Janaky Coomaraswarny, PhD

PhD student until 2008, PostDoc until 2011
Now: Lab Head, Novartis (NIBR), Cambridge, USA


Michael E. Calhoun, PhD

Group leader until 2009
Now: CEO at Mindshare Medical, Seattle, USA 


Ana Fulgencio-Maisch

Technical assistant until 2008
Now: Department of Neurology and Epileptology, HIH


Martin Herzig, PhD

PhD student until 2004, PostDoc until 2007
Now: Biomedical analyst, Pathology, Universitätsspital Basel, Switzerland


Florian Ermini, PhD

PhD student until 2006
Now: Principal Scientist, Cortexyme Inc.


Olga Lévai, PhD

PostDoc until 2005
Now: Leica Microsystems, Mannheim


Melanie Meyer-Luehmann, Prof PhD

PhD student until 2004
Now: Professor for Functional Restoration in the CNS, University of Freiburg

Department of Cellular NeurologyHead of the department
Prof. Dr. Mathias JuckerTelefon +49 (0)7071 29-86863mathias.jucker@uni-tuebingen.deAddress

Hertie Center of Neurology
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research
Department Cellular Neurology
Otfried-Müller-Straße 27
D-72076 Tübingen


Gisela Rose
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29-81947

Lab Management

Dr. Jörg Odenthal
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29-86862
Fax: +49 (0)7071 29-4757