Dr. Alexandro Ruíz Requelme
PostDoc until 2021
Now: Assistant professor, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Melanie Barth, PhD
PhD student until 2021
Now: Medical Consultant at DBB Health, Munich
Natalie Beschorner, PhD
PhD student until 2020
Now: Postdoc, Center for Translational Neuromedicine, University of Copenhagen
Ruth Uhlmann, PhD
PhD student until 2020
Now: Trainee Young Professional at Baxter Oncology
Anja Apel, PhD
PostDoc until 2019
Now: PostDoc, University Children's Hospital Tübingen
Timo Eninger, PhD
PhD student until 2017, PostDoc until 2018
Now: Quality Assurance Manager, Acino Pharma AG, Switzerland
Ann-Christin Wendeln, PhD
PhD student until 2018
Now: Test engineer at Daimler
Karoline Degenhardt, PhD
PhD student until 2018
Now: PostDoc, Department of Neurology, UKE Hamburg
Jay Rasmussen, PhD
PhD student until 2018
Now: Postdoctoral fellow, Queensland Brain Institute, Australia
Simone Eberle
Scientific assistant until 2017
Now: Psychologist M.Sc. and freelance translator/editor
Juliane Schelle, PhD
PhD student until 2017
Now: Clinical Research Associate at Johnson & Johnson
Frank Baumann, PhD
Group leader "Amyloid Biology" until 2016
Now: Wissenschaftlicher Referent, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen
Petra Füger, PhD
PostDoc until 2016
Jasmin Mahler, PhD
PhD student until 2016
Now: QA Manager at Acino Pharma AG, Aesch, Switzerland
Lan Ye, MD, PhD
PhD student until 2015, PostDoc until 2016
Now: Neurology, Asklepios Klinik Schildautal Seesen
Sarah Fritschi, PhD
PhD student until 2015
Now: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Washington University School of Medicine, Holtzman Lab, St. Louis, USA
Claudia Resch
Technical assistant until 2015
Now: Technician at IFIB Tübingen, Molecular Medicine
Christian Krüger
Technical assistant until 2015
Now: Research Officer, National Cancer Center Singapore
Luis F. Maia, MD, PhD
Research fellow (stipend Ministério da Ciência, Portugal) until 2014
Now: Associate Professor, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Lary C. Walker, Prof PhD
Guest professor in 2014 and 2016
Now: Marie and E.R. Snelling Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology and Research Professor, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA
Yvonne S Eisele, PhD
PhD student until 2010, project leader until 2013
Now: Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Andrea Bosch
Technical assistant until 2013
Now: Student of Medicine at University Würzburg
Nicholas Varvel, PhD
Humboldt Postdoctoral fellow until 2013
Now: Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Pharmacology, Emory School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA
Götz Heilbronner, PhD
PhD student until 2013
Now: Clinical Research Associate at PPD Munich
Franziska Langer, PhD
PhD student until 2012
Now: Program Officer DFG
Jasmin Hefendehl, Prof PhD
PhD student until 2011, PostDoc until 2012Now: Professor, Institute for Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Goethe University Frankfurt
Christian Feldhaus (formerly Liebig), PhD
Project manager 2-photon microscopy until 2011
Now: Light Microscopy Facility Manager, MPI for Developmental Biology, Tübingen
Ellen Kilger, PhD
Group leader until 2011
Now: Scientific Research Management, Institute for Ophtalmic Research, University Hospital Tübingen and freelance journalist and photographer
Tsuyoshi Hamaguchi, MD, PhD
PhD student until 2011
Now: Associate Professor, University of Kanazawa
Stefan Grathwohl, PhD
PhD student until 2011
Now: Senior Scientist, Project Leader CNS, Neuroimmune AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Niels J. Rupp, Prof. Dr. med.
MD student until 2010
Now: Assistant Professor of Theragnostic Tumor Pathology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Janaky Coomaraswarny, PhD
PhD student until 2008, PostDoc until 2011
Now: Lab Head, Novartis (NIBR), Cambridge, USA
Michael E. Calhoun, PhD
Group leader until 2009
Now: CEO at Mindshare Medical, Seattle, USA
Ana Fulgencio-Maisch
Technical assistant until 2008
Now: Department of Neurology and Epileptology, HIH
Martin Herzig, PhD
PhD student until 2004, PostDoc until 2007
Now: Biomedical analyst, Pathology, Universitätsspital Basel, Switzerland
Florian Ermini, PhD
PhD student until 2006
Now: Principal Scientist, Cortexyme Inc.
Olga Lévai, PhD
PostDoc until 2005
Now: Leica Microsystems, Mannheim
Melanie Meyer-Luehmann, Prof PhD
PhD student until 2004
Now: Professor for Functional Restoration in the CNS, University of Freiburg
Hertie Center of Neurology
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research
Department Cellular Neurology
Otfried-Müller-Straße 27
D-72076 Tübingen
Gisela Rose
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29-81947
Dr. Jörg Odenthal
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29-86862
Fax: +49 (0)7071 29-4757